
In our “connected” world, loud voices call out everywhere; on TV, the radio, and social media feeds. In the first century, there was also a mixture of voices calling out. For a disciple, Jesus gave an illustration of how a shepherd gathers his sheep;

“…and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice.” – John 10:3b-4 NKJ

In those days, when the market had multiple shepherds and sheep passing through, it was a chaotic scene for everyone…except the sheep. They had a singular focus on the voice of the shepherd. Not just a generic shepherd, their shepherd. The one they had known all along. The inflection, accent and language was unique to the one leading.

How about us? There are so many voices demanding to be heard, but there is only one Voice worthy to be followed. Yes, there are faithful men and women who are gifted to teach and speak, but in reality, they can only be an echo of the Voice. What they speak must be in the spirit of John the Baptist (“He must increase, but I must decrease.” – John 3:30) or they risk spiritual infidelity.

What voice are you listening to today?

About cchrisholland

...husband, dad, pastor, teacher, and chronic day-dreamer
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