It’s Not About Us

There appears to be a trend of believer-centric, felt-need themes becoming more common in sermons and song lyrics. Unfortunately, the unintended message is that God’s awesomeness is defined by what He does for us. However, God’s holiness, righteousness, and sovereignty exist whether we acknowledge it or not. The amazing part is that He chose to love us with grace, mercy, and redemption anyway. The following statements are based on Isaiah 44:6-8 and it’s helpful to pause and declare them simply because He is worthy. In the process, our vision gets elevated above the distractions of this world and a reassuring peace anchors our soul.

You are the LORD.

You are the King of Israel.

You are the Redeemer and the LORD of Hosts.

You are the First and the Last and beside you there is no other.

No one can make the proclamations you do.

You appointed the ancient peoples, what is now, and what will be.

You have declared your people to be free of fear.

There is no God beside You, and indeed there is no other Rock!

About cchrisholland

...husband, dad, pastor, teacher, and chronic day-dreamer
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1 Response to It’s Not About Us

  1. Shari says:

    Yes! Thank you

    Liked by 1 person

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